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City Rights United: Over
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City Rights United brings together activists and organizations throughout Europe, in a joint struggle to realise human rights for undocumented citizens. By putting undocumented citizens to the forefront and improving their situation, we want to expand the human rights to other marginalised groups. Every partner  organises its own City Rights Team, a collaboration of citizens with and without documents, and under the name City Rights United teams join forces. The active participation of marginalised groups like undocumented citizens in decision-making is designed not merely as a means to an end (e.g., city ID cards, academic credentials, etc.), but as an end in itself is the main aim on local level. The normalisation of political participation of these groups stimulates civic democracy. The power of making changes locally calls for a union of cities where the knowledge and the movement of progressive initiatives is shared and strengthened. 
With the partners, we exchange knowledge on co-creation, joint decision making, lobbying and empowerment. We organize six events to meet and  create a toolkit that will enable undocumented citizens to speak out and be an active part of city life. 
BAK Utrecht, Here to Support Amsterdam, Mangkulturellt Center Fittja, Ex OPG Naples, Sindicato Popular De Vendedores Ambulantes de Barcelona, The Bridge Radio Kopenhagen, Asamaras World Refugee Support Hamburg,  the municipality of Amsterdam.
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City Rights United: Over
City Rights United: Over
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